Do tech CEOs use their own products?

In our ever-growing desire to make everything efficient and convenient, we rarely stop to think about the far-reaching implications of the overhyped tech-solution-to-every-problem™® and fail to question the validity of the premise new technologies are built upon, in a way that is not too dissimilar cultish behaviours, for fear of being labelled as a Luddite.

Modernity, with its poorly understood complexity, makes us more fragile and susceptible to unforeseen and unpredictable events (cough, COVID, cough - read Taleb's Incerto to get a good overview of those risks).

There is an easy litmus test for this: Do CEOs of tech companies use their own products on a daily basis? If they don't, then they're nothing more than peddlers of pipe dreams who are scamming their customers out of hard-earned dollars, or worse, of their privacy, without explicit consent.

We know the Zuck holds town halls on Facebook and "maintains" a profile, but does he do without an army of assistants, legal counsels and PR spin-doctors?

Similarly, does Jeff Bezos shop on amazon and uses Alexa at home?

We'll never know for sure because these people know better than telling the truth, but it's an interesting thought experiment.


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