The sad war against employees

Photo by fauxels

Photo by fauxels

There is a worrying trend in the corporate culture that consists of treating employees with suspicion, like would-be criminals and manage them like a disposable commodity, without the slightest regard for their well-being.

I've written about these things before, but there is no shortage of new stories coming out that keep giving fodder for this blog. We've heard about Facebook (yes, them again) threatening their employees who work from home to get a pay cut if they dare moving out of the Silicon Valley to more affordable pastures. There are also these companies selling literal spyware to corporations and encouraging them to run corporate surveillance schemes on their workforce.

Anyone with half a brain and a remotely decent disposition toward other human beings would be appalled by these corporations even suggesting these ideas. Yet, bureaucratic corporate slave-drivers so-called leaders, think that if it's good for their bottom line, it's good for the company.

I think not, as evidenced by the many, many examples of people running humane companies that care about their employees and treat them like the valuable assets they are. These run circles around strictly profit-driven corporations and ironically, end up being more profitable most of the time.


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