A different perspective

I believe aerial photography is still a grossly underused medium. Indeed, it captures attention because it is not a perspective of the built environment that we are accustomed to. We see things from the ground, so anything deviating from that is instantly appealing to the human brain.

As such, I am organizing an aerial photography campaign by helicopter in the very near future. Drones are amazing tools and make aerial photography more cost effective and easier to capture. However, drones have their limitations (such as the regulatory limit on flight height of 120m).

If you’re interested in this campaign, you can register interest here (no firm commitment required for now) and we’ll reach once we have enough sign-ups and are ready to book the chopper.

If you’re on the fence, here are a few reasons that will make it more appealing:

  1. A new take on old buildings - Ideal especially if it’s going to be a while before your next building is inaugurated and you’re looking for fresh content.

  2. Capture buildings from the air in places where drones cannot fly (anywhere above 120m - downtown where tall buildings make it challenging and dangerous).

  3. Get a different perspective on your projects, especially if showing a building in its context is important.

  4. Capture “the plan” in photograph, works very well for landscapes and buildings with lots of outdoor spaces.

  5. Get sexy images that will make people pause and pay more attention to you (there are few things sexier than a cityscape at dusk).

  6. You need to capture things that are only visible from the air.

PS - Don’t forget to register your interest here and if you think of someone who might be interested, just send them this post.

See you from the air!

PPS - See rvltr’s latest portfolio here (contains some aerials).


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