What Makes A Culture Strong
I'll be the first to admit that I can write stuff that's serious and intense at times. Therefore, on Fridays I'll be featuring something more lighthearted, fun, or creative, so we can all end the week on a high note. Have a great weekend!
Korea and Japan have, in the last couple of decades had great success exporting their culture overseas and it's not uncommon for one of their exports to become a worldwide phenomenon, such as Squid Game, the most-watched TV show on Netflix or Japanese video games that have been a staple in Western homes since the early '80s.
This article goes into more depth about what makes these two cultural powerhouses, but the most interesting part is the rules of thumb at the end, explaining in more detail how to export culture successfully.
I think these can apply to smaller organizations, such as businesses, who are trying to make a mark, perhaps except for the "Be Corporate" part. But I digress.