Whenever I get sucked into the news cycle and go down the rabbit hole of one story or another, only to inevitably get worked up into a frenzy by some kind of blatant injustice (I know I can't help it), my better half, who's from the one of most peaceful countries in the world always reminds me that getting worked up isn't necessary and even counter-productive.
People who grow up in unstable regions of the world just learn to develop patience and resilience, which in turns helps them live their lives without worrying too much about things they have no control over. If they didn't, the entire human population would be permanently and deeply depressed.
Conversely, in the west, we are privileged to grow up in stable, mostly worry-free societies and have a tendency to blow up the most minute injustices into total outrage, this not being helped by the echo chambers of the internet. However, I would argue that this dichotomy predates the internet. For example, the French have long been experts at making mountains out of molehills.
I think western societies are generally too worried about perfection without ever having to face real adversity (war, poverty & famine) while trying to make everything impeccable, sometimes losing their sanity in the process. If meditation has taught me anything, is that perfection is not of this world and while there is value in always doing our best, trying to make things perfect is a fool's errand. We gain much more from learning to accept what we're given and work with it.
I think a more productive way to go about life, especially in tough times like these, is to make the best of the information we have at our disposal and as a corollary, to always try to expand our knowledge of the world we live without worrying too much about things that are outside of our control.
While a completely carefree approach to life might be a bit too much at times, learning to let loose and enjoy life as it is, not an idealized, perfected version of it, is a very good rule for life.
Otherwise, misinformation, injustice and abuse of power will always get the best of us.