Reality As it Is

This is what happens when you spend too much time in the matrix.

This is what happens when you spend too much time in the matrix.

Ever since I've seen Don Hoffman's TED talk (and read his book) on how we perceive reality a few years ago, his ideas on human's perception of reality have regularly come back to haunt me when I have too much time on my hands to think about the future.

Yesterday's piece and George Hotz's idea that we might live in a simulation (similar to The Matrix) and that it could be fun to try and crack the code in order to peek behind the curtain brought me back to Hoffman's thesis: what if Hoffman's "reality" is just a simulation and his "reality as it is" is the world outside our simulation that we have not yet access to?

What if "god", e.g. the creator of the simulation is just about to let us ruin almost everything and then saves us, a literal deus-ex-machina, from ourselves and the destruction of our planet? I'm not advocating to ruin the planet so bad that we can't come out of it, but it's an interesting thought experiment.

I also wonder what buildings look like in the "reality as it is"?

By the way, did you know that there is a 4th installment of The Matrix coming out next year?


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Arnaud Marthouret

Arnaud Marthouret is the founder of rvltr and leads their strategy, visual communications and media efforts. He has helped numerous architects and interior designers promote themselves in their best light - pun intended - in order to help them run more effective practices and grow in a meaningful way.

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