Pacific Spirit

©2021 RVLTR

©2021 RVLTR

I'll be the first to admit that I can write stuff that's serious and intense at times. Therefore, on Fridays I'll be featuring something more lighthearted, fun or creative, so we can all end the week on a high note. Have a great weekend!

Every time I visit a city, I always end up walking to and through their natural spaces: beaches, parks, forests, etc. You can tell a lot about a city by exploring its natural environments. Sometimes there isn't much of that, so walking in urban environments is a decent substitute, but green spaces invariably end up at the top of my list.

Vancouver has Stanley Park, a well-known and loved place close to downtown and host of many outdoors activities. It also has Pacific Spirit Regional Park, a much larger, lesser-known counterpart that is as close as you'd get to a walk in the rainforest while still being in the city. It's so big that it will take you a couple of hours to hike from one end to the other.

I know Vancouver has a lot to offer in terms of outdoor activities, but this was my favourite by far.


A Theme Emerges


Get Out Of Your Own Way, Toronto