As my friend Jeff Echols has been saying since the very beginning of the isolation, the messaging of design firms has to change drastically in reaction to the pandemic (be sure to listen to his suave voice on his podcast on branding).
It has to change to account for the fact that clients are no longer looking to solve the same problems as before, in addition to the fact that everyone's nerves are raw and we no longer respond well to the traditional sales messaging that can come across as self-serving.
In that light, the game of constraints and its multiple fictional scenarios might help you figure out what to do to manage the crises and creative ways to come up with solutions to your problems.
My favorite is #3: "A wold without doing, only advising", which is where I think RVLTR is headed in the long term.
If you end up doing these exercises, let me know what came out of it. We can also help you navigate these murky waters with our teams of superstar creatives. Send us a note if you'd like to discuss this with us.
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