What we can learn from Voyager I
Image via Unsplash
Voyager 1 was launched in 1977 and its original mission ended in 1980. Now, over 40 years later, it is still sending valuable data that helps scientist learn more about the solar system and the universe. All of that from 22.5 billion kilometers away.
While voyager itself cannot be attributed any form of success as it is just a machine, the human endeavour that culminated in launching the probe is nothing short of spectacular. We have become accustomed to instant gratification and the delivery of just about anything we want in under a day in Bezos-world, and this early space program shows us the true value of dedication and persistence.
"Good things come to those who wait" says the old adage and Voyager is the embodiment of that. But it also parallels just about any human endeavour where dedicated, consistent work over time generates compounding results. It's true in finance, scientific research and is certainly true in the design field. Solving problems with novel solutions takes time and the designers who know how to make space for that necessary time, have seen great success.
And think about that: 22.5 billion kms. A distance so great that I personally can't visualize it in any meaningful way (but you can by watching this video - 10 billion kms would be about 10^13 distance).