From the master to you
It's no secret that I am a big Seth Godin fan. His manner is impeccable, his advice sound and his creativity boundless, not to mention that he knows a thing or two about selling.
I have to thank my friend Jeff Echols for bringing him to a recent conversation aimed at... architects. While you can only cover so much in 25 minutes, this high-level overview of marketing targeted at architecture firms is spot on.
Here are two key takeaways:
At some level, you're responsible for the work you're doing. You shall not blame the client for your failures.
Just about every architect is a freelancer. The only way to move up is to get better clients. Good freelancers have good clients, great freelancers have great clients.
Check it out here.
If any of this piques your curiosity and you'd like to dive deeper into some of these issues, give me a shout.