Why mainstream media suck

Image via Unsplash

Image via Unsplash

If you're wondering why mainstream media sucks so much and why the public's trust in them is in free fall, check out this short article.

There is one thing that's only briefly mentioned, but not emphasized enough is that the mainstream media has been by and large sticking to a set of popular narratives, but deliberately ignoring, belittling or downplaying opinions that counter or challenge these narratives, effectively gaslighting a large segment the population that doesn't buy into these narratives.

To rebuild trust, they have to allow dissenting opinions on their platform and engage with them. It's by giving their audience access to a spectrum of ideas, in the fairest of ways that they will rebuild that trust.

Bad ideas shall not be driven underground, they should be exposed for what they are and debunked in a public forum. Censorship does not get rid of ideas, it just drives them underground and radicalizes those that believe in them.

I strongly believe that as long the media's business model will be reliant on ad money, the problem will remain. It's time for the model to evolve and find other ways to get funding.

These ideas apply to anyone who needs to build trust with an audience, media or otherwise. While design businesses don’t face nearly the same challenge. It’s good to keep those principles in mind. I’ve witnessed first-hand too many businesses claiming to be the bee’s knees in public but failing the most basic of bullshit tests behind closed doors.

People see through that.


Killing two birds with one stone


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