Setting the table

Image via Unsplash

Image via Unsplash

If you're a long-time reader you'll know that it's no secret that I am a big fan of Terry O'Reilly, creator and host of the seminal podcast, "Under the Influence". Terry was also our penultimate guest on Truth is Golden podcast.

In this recent episode, he talks about his long-time practice of "Setting the table", or telling a brief story unrelated to the episode's topic, but with a moral that's relevant to the episode. This has the benefit to draw you in with a great, well-told story to make the main content of the show more appealing. Think of it as an intellectual teaser to keep you listening.

If you want to tell the story of your firm or one of your projects, using similar anecdotes to make your work more relatable to your potential clients can and will do wonders in getting people interested in what you do. I use tools like this all the time to make stories more interesting.


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