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PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Lycée Terrail High-School, Atelier Métis

Crepuscule / Dusk

English version below.

Ce projet d’extension d’un Lycee a Pontcharra, pres de Grenoble, consiste en l’addition de 14 salles de classes sur un niveau RDC. Les 4 batiments sont en bois modulaire 3D installes en forme de “U" atour d’un jardin des poetes. Cette typologie caractérise l’ambience introvertie et apaisée du lieu, créant un environement propice a l’enseignement.

Le jardin des poètes / The poet's garden

Le cote simple et sans prétention du complexe est très appreciable, ou la qualité de l’experience des usagers prend le pas sur les gestes architecturaux. C’est un projet élégant par sa simplicite et son efficacité, sans fioritures.

Avancée de toiture principale / Main roof overhang

La toiture metallique apporte une touche d’elegance et permet d’augmenter la durée de vie des bâtiments, tout en améliorant le confort d’été et réduisant la consommation énergétique. Les larges ouvertures contribuent à la qualité des intérieurs par leur abondant apport en lumière naturelle, ainsi qu’à la transparence des bâtiments qui confère a l’ensemble une impression d’ouverture, très a propos pour des bâtiments scolaires.

Cour / Courtyard

J’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir a photographier ces lieux, d’une part car c’est un project architecturalement intéressant et d’autre part car le cadre montagnard est absolument magnifique.

Allée + Entrée d'une salle de cours / Walkway + Classroom doorway

English Version:

révélateur had the privilege to shoot this extension for a high-school in Pontcharra, near Grenoble, France. The four buildings comprise 14 classrooms on one level, a "poet garden" courtyard and are prefabricated wood structure, manufactured in a plant and assembled and finished on-site.

The unpretentious atmosphere is very pleasant, as it is the user experience that takes precedence over grandiose architectural gestures. It is an elegant project du to its simplicity, functionality and well-chosen materials.

The steel roof, though not functionally indispensable, brings visual elegance to the ensemble and summer comfort as am oversized sunshade that contributes to reducing the energy footprint of the building. The oversized windows contribute to the feeling of transparency, literally and figuratively, which is perfectly appropriate for an educational building.

I truly enjoyed shooting this project as it is both architecturally competent as well as set in a mountainous landscape that provides the perfect backdrop.

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Little Trinity by DTAH

Earlier this summer, Revelateur was commissioned to shoot DTAH's little trinity project. This is constitutes a good example of adaptive reuse in the city of toronto. This was a fun shoot as it was all about showcasing the interplay between the old and the new. 

Facade on King St. East (at Parliament).

DTAH has a summary of their project here:

"The Little Trinity Church community, founded in 1844 near the corner of King Street East and Parliament Streets in Toronto, developed a building expansion study to investigate the renovation and redevelopment of the three buildings on their site to maximize community worship, social services, and recreational uses in response to the future West  Don Lands development immediately south of their property.

Back of building from garden.

DTAH redeveloped the derelict 19th century townhouses at 399 King Street into the Little Trinity Annex, a new administrative centre and multi-purpose hall for the church community. Renovations in the school house building included the basement multi-purpose hall and ground floor child care spaces to maximize Sunday School capacity and functionality."

Multi-purpose hall.

Although a small project, it was a fun shoot as adaptive reuse presents challenges that are not necessarily evident when shooting other kinds of projects.

Building from garden.

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Little Portugal fixer-upper by Downey Design

This project was featured on our blog a few months back, when we shot the interiors for the Designer. We have recently returned to shoot the exterior of the building upon completion of the landscaping.

Main facade

Home to Arts & Labour home-studio, the renovation turned an old factory into an airy, bright space that appears to be much bigger than it actually is.

Main Entrance

Although the renovated building may appear mundane at first glance, it is the simplicity of the elegant materials and solid detailing that makes it come to life in an understated fashion. It is first and foremost a very livable space as evidenced by the spatial and light qualities one finds throughout the project.

Landscaped courtyard

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Tips for hiring an architectural photographer #4

This is post 4 of a series of 10, in a series detailing important aspects to hiring an architectural photographer while avoiding the most common pitfalls.


Photographing buildings and interiors is not an exact science and it requires collaboration between the photographer and client, in order to achieve the client’s vision. Photographers have a particular way to look at spaces, usually different from the clients'. It is a good idea to use this difference in viewpoints as a sounding board for coming up with ideas that neither you, the client, nor the photographer might have thought of on their own. The pre-production meeting and the scouting shoot are great places to brainstorm and kick-start this process. If you are going to be present on the day of the shoot, use this to you advantage by discussing each view with your photographer and formulating your specific needs in the clearest way possible. Your photographer should be able to show you each shot prior to capturing the image to serve as the basis for discussion. 

Yorkville residence, Audax Architecture

Yorkville residence, Audax Architecture

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architecture, Interiors, News, Photography, Shoots, toronto, parkdale Revelateur Studio architecture, Interiors, News, Photography, Shoots, toronto, parkdale Revelateur Studio

Designholmen home and office by Downey Design

We had the pleasure to return to designholmen to complete our shoot.

Living room

In addition to the kitchen and dining room we shot the living room and the master bedroom. The understated elegance of the project, clearly influenced by designholmen's Swedish roots made the shoot a pleasure as there were many angles from which to capture the design, all of them looking really good. 

Master Bedroom

We hope you enjoy these images as much as we enjoyed shooting the space. 

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Shoots, News, Photography Revelateur Studio Shoots, News, Photography Revelateur Studio

MaRS / OICR shoot

Revelateur Studio had the chance to go on a shoot with Toronto photographer Lisa Logan.

Standing meeting room, OICR

Standing meeting room, OICR

We have recently helped our friend Lisa Logan on her latest shoot for Diamond and Schmitt Architects. They recently completed the offices of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) in the new MaRS building at the intersection of College and University in Toronto. 

Lounge, OICR

Lounge, OICR

These offices are really cool and packed with high tech gizmos, not to forget cool materials and details as we are accustomed to see coming from Diamond and Schmitt. The shoot was fast-paced and rather intense, but a great opportunity to experience these offices. 

We'd like to thank Lisa for letting us hang out and help on her shoot. 

Wall and Furniture detail, OICR

Wall and Furniture detail, OICR

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