BOOK - The Bitcoin Standard
Image via Unsplash
I realize that this is a bit far outside of the design realm, but with all this talk of the blockchain tech, NFTs and bitcoin in the news lately (with its attendant share of horseshit peddlers and widespread misinformation) I wanted to go back to the roots of what has made bitcoin so enticing and so far, wildly successful.
The book is much more than just a history and technical explanation of the digital currency, but also delves significantly into the history of money, sound money, soft vs hard money and a myriad of other concepts that fundamentally underpin bitcoin and any kind of money for that matter.
Whether you're a seasoned BTC veteran or a curious newbie, this is the best book on the subject that I've encountered so far.
And if you have concerns about the never-ending inflation and want to understand how fiat currencies rob you of your wealth over time, this is also the book for you.
Since this tech is seemingly here to stay, it will arm you with the knowledge you need to understand what happening in this little corner of the finance industry.
Make no mistake, it will affect all sectors of the economy eventually, so it will be time well spent.