The New Hygienists - Part III
School of the Arts, Singapore, WOHA (photo by forgemind)
>> Continued from yesterday’s post…
Just like the "Hygienistes", Haussmann likely being the most famous of them all, who in light of major discoveries by the likes of Lavoisier and Pasteur, pushed a social and political agenda in the 19th century that promoted better health to fight endemic issues like tuberculosis and alcoholism with access to light, air, systemic refuse collection and sewage systems among many others, we have an opportunity to adapt similarly to the new reality through thoughtful design. But unlike the old hygienistes, not succumb to the sirens of top-down, government-mandated and heavy-handed, community-destroying policies like those the French are wont to embrace.
Why don't we call this "New Hygienism"? If you have a better name for it, I’m all ears.
What are some of the solutions to this problem you've seen or come up with?
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