The Final Frontier

Photo by SpaceX

Photo by SpaceX

Gene Rodenberry called it decades ago before space exploration was even a real thing. Space is now officially the true final frontier. Burt Rutan, arguably the most creative aerospace engineers of all time has been talking about it for a couple of decades.

Since man went to the moon, the exploration of the unknown doesn't excite humans as much as it once did and save for one or two industries, innovation and progress has pretty much come to a halt across the board. Buildings are pretty much the same they were 50 years or even 100 years ago, without any major breakthrough in how they're built and operate. Cars haven't fundamentally changed for 50 or 60 years. These have gone through minor incremental improvements over time, but the basic recipe remains the same. I can go on and on about many other industries.

Now that space exploration has been taken over by private entrepreneurs, there is hope that we could return to the kind of adventurous expeditions that inspire our youth to more than just looking forward to the next navel-gazing tiktok video (I just want to puke thinking about this).

If history is any indication, the stuff that's discovered from these imminent voyages should inspire more than just another butt-ugly, derivative parametric design.

Plus, it's fun to think about what martian architecture would look like.


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