{GOOD MARKETING} Being human

Apple traditionally releases a holiday video every year. This year's video is the story of a young family with two daughters visiting their widower grandpa for the holidays. It's been directed as a short story that doesn't seem entirely related to apple, aside from an iPad being a central part of the plot.

While I don't want to spoil it (go watch it and see for yourself), it is a masterful piece of advertising because the central theme is how technology can make us more human and cement deep meaningful relationships. Say what you want about Apple and god knows that as a company it is far from perfect, but they nailed it with this one because it hits the bullseye. They've always marketed their products’ "why", e.g. powerful enablers of creativity in contrast to soulless competitors, who always tout their wares’ gigabytes, screen size and other irrelevant features. This is why apple survives through thick and thin and has been the most valuable brand in the world for a long time.

Ultimately this is what makes a strong brand: a well-defined, aspirational purpose (or "why" as Simon Sinek put it) which guides all business decisions and ultimately builds a strong culture. I would venture a guess that if any modern-day company is meant to survive for a long time (say, more than a century), I'd bet on Apple, as they have in them the ability to reinvent themselves without losing their soul. That's what makes the brand the most valuable in the world.

I was dared by Bob Hoffman (link - scroll to the bottom) to watch this ad without weeping like a little girl and I went into saying "yeah right". Little did I know that I would end up bawling my eyes out every time I watched it. If you don't weep like a willow tree by the end of the video, allow me to question your humanity. That alone makes it one of the greatest ads ever made.

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