Since we've all started isolating, I've had the privilege to talk to dozens of people about their situation and how they're responding to COVID. While I cannot possibly list everything I've learned here, I wanted to try and summarize some interesting thoughts in a series of posts for this blog.
3 - New opportunities:
In times of economic downturns, there are always businesses that thrive, because they offer something that's in high demand. Nowadays, businesses, like Amazon, PPE manufacturers, Data Centers and the healthcare industry to name only a few are generally doing really well.
While whole sectors of the economy are down the shitter, in every niche there is a customer segment with an unfulfilled need that's begging for your help.
Of all the people I've spoken to, some are doing really well, like residential designers, while others have found themselves with a frightening dearth of work. For those in the latter category, I've noticed that the most dynamic of them quickly rolled up their sleeves and looked for more new niches to enter, where their skillsets would still transfer nicely.
I've heard of many a hospitality designer turning to the senior living or consulting with their existing clients on how to transform their spaces quickly so that they could still generate revenue despite the pandemic-induced restrictions.
Opportunities are everywhere, it just takes an open mindset to identify them and then testing your hypothesis to make sure that the initial idea wasn't a pipe dream and there is an actual market to serve, but we all the extra time a lot of us have on our hands, now is the perfect time to try new things.
What about you? What are the opportunities you've identified?.
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