Help us help the architecture & design community

Photo by Lum3n

Photo by Lum3n

Here is a little quiz for you:

Have you ever thought to yourself any of the following?

  1. "I'm tired of seeing the same sexy-looking projects in design magazines that don't represent what architecture is really about: helping people live more fulfilling lives."

  2. "I'd like to get my projects published, but magazines don't give me the time of day."

  3. "I wish I had more time to spend on promoting my firm in the press, get my newest projects published, and explore new avenues to find clients."

  4. "I'd love to get published, but I have no idea where to start."

  5. "If only I could find someone to take care of my communications strategy without hiring full-time staff or overpaying for a PR agency."

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have great news for you:

We're putting the final touches to a new service where, over the course of a year or longer, we would work with our clients on diagnosing the current state of their communications, develop a strategy to fill in any gap, and help them implement this strategy with ongoing support.

I've been a strong believer for a long time that the best way to communicate what you do to your potential clients, is to define a strategy that reflects your values as a company and does its best to communicate them to your prospects.

Like any worthwhile endeavour and contrary to popular belief, there is no magic bullet that will take you from zero to hero overnight. Only a consistent, long-term and strategic approach will. That's why I've worked hard to come up with a new offering that addresses and overcomes all those challenges to ensure the perennial success of your business.

I light of that, I need your help, so I can help you in return. We're looking for kind souls to review our offering, its pricing and answer a brief questionnaire that will help us provide you a more refined service.

The survey is anonymous if you choose to keep it that way. However, the first 5 respondents who choose to enter their contact information, will be offered a free month of service, should they decide to sign up.

If you'd like to contribute to future of architecture and ensure that your great ideas continue to be part of the public discourse, please go to the survey here.

If you don't like surveys, but would still like to contribute, I'd be happy to have a one-on-one chat with you. You can book a time of your choice here.


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Lorem Fucking Ipsum