The Varberg Giants

I'll be the first to admit that I can write stuff that's serious and intense at times. Therefore, on Fridays I'll be featuring something more lighthearted, fun and creative, so we can all end the week on a high note. Have a great weekend!

I don't know what "self-standing" concrete is, but these sculptures in Stockholm are my kind of art, something that is interesting, beautiful original and also accessible to the masses.

Aa a kind of functional art, that one can climb, touch and use in any way desired, they're not merely a piece that's meant to be appreciated from a distance, but rather interacted with, ensuring a much more direct, engaging experience for the public. I know I would have loved interacting with as a kid and probably just as much as an adult.

It's anecdotal proof that beauty, playfulness and function are not mutually exclusive and I think these lessons are eminently applicable to architecture.

If you can get past Designboom's horrible, 3rd-grade level copy, it's worth a read to learn about all the details.



How's your organizational culture doing?

